Sunday, December 14, 2008

A few days in one post...oh well, its not as though my life is all that interesting!

Caught The Day The Earth Stood Still with LY and her bf...
It wasn't all that bad but seriously, with the slew of movies all containing not-so-obvious (and some VERY obvious) environmental overtones, this one falls a little short of the others.

That's not to say I didn't like it...I did. But the characters seemed woefully underdeveloped and the filmmakers left so many plot holes, it made DBKL look tame!

(you can skip this if you haven't watched it)

I seriously felt ultra annoyed by that whiny little brat who seriously should have been a charming wounded child. All I got was brat brat BRAT~!
And how does this brat warm up to the alien?

He was saved from slipping into some storm drain.
Hello? The change in view was way too abrupt!!


Also, it was ridiculously easy for the lady to leave a supposedly well-guarded military compound just because of a disruption! And won't they go looking for her?

Apparently not.


Also, after all that, the alien just suddenly changes his views (again too abruptly and for extremely mundane reasons) and quite easily stops...well...the Earth from being destroyed.


Ah wasn't all bad. The best part of the movie were the trailers at the beginning~!


Yesterday, went on a shopping trip...ok I was the consultant so I didn't buy anything...
But I took Joa out shopping for her prom dress and the lucky b**** had four potentials!! That's more options in dresses that I have for a YEAR...or maybe two.

So anyways, she got herself a gorgeous dress and liquid foundation.
It was done much faster than I thought since she had to rush to feed a very cute puppy~!

Anyways, as we were walking to Sasa for her foundation, the North Court was SNOWING~!! Ookie...tiny little snow(soap?)flakes but the effect was gorgeous~!! People must have thought so too because the whole court was PACKED with eager people it was hard to breathe~!

Left and went home to a lovely Vit Mee-ABC-Fried Jap Eggs dinner by LY. The whole mishmash was amazing babe~! *hugz*

Ok, moving on....(I noticed I'm back to blogging disjointedly...oh well that's the natural progression of my thoughts these days so...I guess that girl was right. I do have a problem articulating my thoughts. Which is lucky for a few people since if I were able to say what I want to say, I'd slash and rip their self-confidence and general annoying attitude to shreds...and then some! But I digress...)

This weekend seems to have flown by...I think I've actually created a deeper attachment to my Sims than I have for humans! Gah~!

Time to come back to the real world...and certain people I'd love to kill but just won't because I can't.

Duncha just looooooooovvveeee reality? Tchah~!

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