This says it all...
Quite frankly it all smacks of hypocrisy!! Stop telling us what we should do and SHOW US WHAT YOU CAN DO~!!
It's stupid to ask us to tighten our belts and live sparingly when you swan around in big ass cars and over-priced homes!
Oh yes...and the bicycle thing? Quite frankly if we were living in Australia (Brisbane specifically since it's all I know) it wouldn't be a problem. Why? Because over there, there are proper bus/car/bicycle lanes! Everything in it's place and people who respect it! Here, if you tried to cycle to work you'd either die because some blind bugger with a "kopi o" license would knock you down or you'd be poisoned by our "wonderfully fresh" air.
Public transportation? HAH! Perhaps if you'd like to spend a morning stuck in an LRT that has broken down that's fine! Or maybe you'd prefer waiting at a bus stop for an invisible bus? And let's not even go to taxis!
I'm so irate I can't even put my thoughts properly here!
Quite frankly I don't give a shit about political whatevers and whatnots but I do care about the "advice" they are giving us and the excuses!! And it's really mad to keep raising the cost of living when our salary cannot even HANDLE this raise! Hello? Not all of us Malaysians get a five to six digit salary!!
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